Monday, February 15, 2010

Mental (Part 2)

     I gasped.
     "What do you mean by young meat?" I asked her.
     "That's what they call those who haven't been sliced open!" she replied, cackling and walking away. I froze in silence, my breath stuck in my throat. What kind of sick joke is this?
     "You don't know anything, girl," the woman continued, "this is not just an asylum. It's a butcher market."
     "What are you talking about?" I asked not believing a word she said. Initially I thought she was sane, but her words are proving her insanity.
     "They take you in young and fresh," she continued, deliriously, "then they wait for the right time, when your case is forgotten, then they cut you up and leave you to die in your cell."
     "Stop it!" I cried out to her, closing my ears, "stop talking rubbish!"
     "Don't you understand!" she leered up to me, her breath rancid in my face, "Why do you think I'm here? I'm left here to die, after they cut me up!"
     I stared at her, and walked to my cement bunk, deciding to ignore her. Her words were getting slurred together.
     "But there is a way to escape after they slice out your life, yes there is," she seemed to be talking to the ceiling, "Only a brave and strong person is able to do that."
     "You mean there's a way to escape?" I asked interestedly. The woman, looked at me as if suddenly noticing me there.
     "Yes, but it's almost impossible," she whispered loudly.
     "Why?" I asked.
     "Because after they operate you, you have no will to survive, and you'd want to give up!" she said hoarsely, "I wanted to escape so many times, but I couldn't. So I stay, here, and wait my death."
     "How do we escape?" I asked her, but she seemed not in the mood to continue, "Come on, you have to tell me! I have a daughter out there!"
     My pleas fell to deaf ears as she stared at the wall opposite her and started humming a song I don't know of. Once again, i felt hopelessness enveloping me. I lay down, trying to sleep, but I couldn't. Finally after tossing and turning, I guess I finally did.
     "Wake up, you!" a loud boisterous voice shook me from my slumber. I woke up and focussed my eyes on a big sized warden who looked almost like a man, "Come on princess, get your butt up!"
     I got up as she pushed me roughly out the cell and led me out of the cell area into a lift. We went down to the basement and into a dimly lit hallway. I was wary of my surroundings. No matter how I try, I couldn't push my cell-mates stories out of my mind. Will I get slaughtered here? Is this the end of me?
     We finally stopped at a room that looked like a surgery room. My stomach knotted up inside of me. Beads of perspiration fell down my cheeks, I could taste the saltiness of it in my mouth. I wanted to turn away and run, but she was standing right behind me, giving me no escape. I could hear voices from inside, and when the door finally opened, I was surprised to see the young doctor of yesterday.
     "There you are," he smiled at me and took me to follow him inside the operation theatre. I felt uneasy. Although he was smiling at me, I sensed something amiss. I was welcomed by three nurses. One was holding up a big needle and I could see her smiling at me. Dreadfully afraid, I stopped in my tracks.
     "There's nothing to be afraid of," the doctor said, guiding me towards the operating table, "It's just routine check up. We have to make sure you get better."
     "But I'm okay," I said, "I'm not mad. This is a mistake. You see my husband..."
     They didn't let me continue, instead, the nurse with the needle injected my arm without my knowledge and in a few seconds, I blanked out.
     When I opened my eyes, I was alone in a hospital ward. My whole body felt sore, and I feared the worst. I looked down at my body and was thankful I had all my organs with me. It must have been some kind of check up, I was just too influenced by what my cellmate said. Taking a deep breath, I tried to get up on the bed, and a sudden searing pain from my lower abdomen made me gasp. I pulled my robe up to see what made the pain, and I was shocked to see a long incision on my waist. I touched it lightly, and immediately knew what happened. It was my kidney, they took of my kidney. That was what my cellmate was talking about and I have heard this things happening but I never thought it would have happened to me. I stifled a cry, and slowly got off the bed. I walked to the door and silently opened it, and when I saw no one in the corridor, I walked out slowly, because my injury hasn't healed and it was so painful I had to grit my teeth from crying out loud.
     I knew then I had to get out of this place. I didn't want to die in here. I knew if I returned to the cell, I would sooner or later die of internal hemorrage or infection for I am sure, they didn't stich me up methodically. We were just some sicko which they used to make money out of. I had to get out, and by my luck there was no one around. Where is everyone? I wondered. I reached a window and pushed it open, and greeted the fresh outside air with great breaths. Taking a chair nearby, I slowly climbed out of the window and limped across the lawn to the gate. I was even more surprised to see no one in the yard. It was as if my escape was inevitable. I prayed to the Lord for my good fortune and half limped, half ran out of the cursed asylum into the woods nearby.
     I was almost laughing because I had made it. I had escaped. I was strong enough to run away. I started planning what I was going to do when I got back to town. I'm gonna fight for my daughter and run off to another country so that my husband can't find me. I trudged on deeper into the woods when I felt the searing pain again in my lower abdomen. I looked down. My dress robe was slowly turning crimson. I panicked, and then it settled in. No one was looking for me because they knew I'd never survive if I ran away. Once they took our kidney out they made sure that they didn't stitch us up properly and so even if we did escape, we'd die in the woods, bleeding to death, or worst, eaten by wild animals. I pressed my hand to my wound and cried out. I wanted to slow the bleeding but the pressure of my hand made the blood come out more.
     My head started spinning and I felt faint. I tried to walk but I was too weak, finally i dropped to the ground, dried leaves filling my throat. I whimpered for I have lost all hope. I would never be able to see my daughter again. I'm dying, bleeding and crying. It's too late for me to be saved. I hope all those who did this to me will suffer for what they put me and those other inmates through. My last thought before I left this world was my daughter.


Last evening, a group of hikers found a half-decomposed body of what seemed to be a young woman, probably in her mid-twenties. According to the coroners, she was said to be dead for almost a week. Investigations to the wound on her abdomen and her clothing, which resulted in her death seemed to lead to an asylum nearby. It is believed that her she was the victim of illegal kidney surgery for the black market. Police has apprehended the lead doctor as the main suspect and all the staff of the asylum for assistance on the medical misconduct. Further investigations are pending for the inmates of the asylum, on whether there are other victims or not.
     The victim found in the woods is believed to be the daughter of a distinguished man in town. Her next of kins declined to comment. More updates on the evening news.



  1. to the darkness they throw me,
    and i fear,
    and i break,
    then i raised my hands up,
    praying and begging,
    for all the mercy i can get from thee,
    o lord of the heavens,
    release me from these,
    all vile, all null,
    bring me to your kingdom,
    where lights aplenty,
    just save me,save me, save me.....

    ~girl is that the end??~
    pretty good!!

  2. Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you
