Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tom - Our beloved dog - died 28/07/2012

This is Tom, and he is our dearly beloved pet that has left us forever.

It's only been a day and I miss him like crazy, although I haven't seen him in a while since I moved out. Do you know how much your family misses you, Tom?

I start to cry again when I think of you. I feel so bad for the times I've scolded you when you sit in front of me and stare at me eating - you know how I hate people/animals staring at me. I would order you to go outside, and you would obediently run into your cage, although I didn't ask you to get in the cage. And then in a few minutes when I call you back to maybe give you the balance of my food, you'd run all the way to me as if i didn't just scold you a minute ago. You are such a loyal dog.

I know we've all been angry with you - why do you always want to run out of the house, the minute you see us open the gate to go out? I know it's in your animal instincts, but do you know how worried we get when you go for a long time - we worry you won't be able to find your way back, like your brother, Bill who is like a stranger now to us.

I miss now that I don't have a pet to stare at when I go home. Do you know that I like to see your antics? It's like a boring little entertainment to me. And the way you'd make your puppy dog little face that I'd feel pity on you, and let you in yet your fur flies all over the house.

Do you know that mommy will miss you too? Yeah, she yells at you when you poop all over the house and destroy our gate, and run out the gate at every chance and also bark at anyone that passes our house, but you know she loves you like she loves her own children? She makes sure you get your food everyday and will cook it to your liking - rice with a little of curry/sambal plus fried egg. You never get the rice without egg.

Do you know how daddy will miss you? He seems to love you more than anyone else, because you're the only one who would never contradict a thing he says, and if mommy scolds you - you run to dad, hoping he would protect you.

Do you know how Icca would miss you? She's the one who'd play silly run to the gate and back games with you - and let you kiss her mouth (chuckles) and also spoil you and take you for rides in her car. She'd miss doing that now.

Do you know Peechy will miss you? She's a big bully and scaring you by opening her umbrella is her idea of fun. You are afraid of that, but somehow you'd run to her when she calls you. And no matter how she bullies you for her own entertainment, she would pet and cuddle you all the same.

Do you know how Tebby would feel? He says he doesn't care about you but we all can see through that lie. He loves you just as much as I am not admitting.

Finally, do you know how much Nicu would miss you - she was the one who forced mommy and daddy to bring you home when you and Bill were only about a month's old. Those days seemed like a long time ago. I really thought you'd be with us for years, Tom, not 2 years.

But I guess God loves you better and decided to take you up to his home - he must have seen what a beautiful soul you are. This could be your last life before you sit up there in heaven, and I'm happy that we were the ones to take you in. You are lucky to have 7 people who loved you till death.

I write this so that you will always be in our memories - no matter where you are. I know that you are in a much more safer place than here  - where people see you barking at them and want to throw stones at you. Up there you don't have to bark at anyone.

We love you Tom, and you will remain in our hearts always - as the most mischievous little monster that you were.

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