Thursday, October 11, 2012

Typically Me

 I almost always seem to put myself in an embarrassing situation. Once again this morning, I had to sprint from my apartment building to catch the bus. I wasn't late - as I'm rarely late these days, but I don't know how I somehow seem to always run for the bus. Those bus drivers must be getting pretty sick of me already. *pause dramatically for a silent applause*
     Okay where is my standing ovation? The other day, being the genius that I am, I read some freaking ghost story at work (shh don't let my Director know about this). On Saturdays only our office will be open and it's on the fourth floor (also known as Suite 3A), and all the other floors will be silent. So that means the other floors toilets won't have people using it.
     Since all the children (Which are students) will use the fourth floor toilet, so I decided to go to the third floor toilet (and yeah, right after reading the damn story). As I got on the elevator, I realized that I might be scared to go to the toilet alone, but, well, there's no turning back right? So as I got off the elevator at the third floor, I heard the sound of a door closing somewhere in the back (where the toilets are situated). I froze in my footsteps, not sure whether to go ahead or not.
     Thinking that I'm silly and that I let my imagination run wild, I shook my head and walked to the toilet. I was cautious though, hoping not to bump into 'anyone'. Just as I turned into the corner, holding my breath in, I was caught by one of the teacher from my office. I was so relieved - thank god he was in solid form. He almost made my heart burst out in fear.
    No more ghost stories for me.
    Today, I sent an email to my colleagues, and trying to be humorous, I used my friend's name and repeated her last name, which turned out to be a bad word in Hokkien. It is not something to be said in public, and luckily I didn't send that email to the whole office, or I'd have to find a place to bury my head in.
    I'm never using words that I'm not sure what the meanings are of.

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