Friday, May 17, 2013

Ranting - Not spesific to anyone

You say that all the girls you've ever dated were psychos, clingy, materialistic minded, selfish and all things that you find you're tired of. Well, did you try opening your mind (and eyes) to see those who are actually good and would treat you well? Of course you didn't. Why? Because she's not thin enough, not pretty enough, not sexy enough, not stimulating enough, not hot enough, not enough to make you want her. What you didn't know is, if you actually widened your horizon, you might find that she's the one for you. She will not cling on to you and turn into a psycho. She will stand all your bad habits because she loves you regardless. She will be there for you when you're down - not run away at the slightest sign of distress. She will be your support, not your weight. She will go all out for you. And it's not because you're devastatingly good looking, or smart, or rich or anything. It's because she sees something in you that makes her heart race, that smile you give, that look you share, that heart inside of you. She doesn't want a saviour - she wants to be your saviour. Don't narrow your mindset and find rainbow coloured stones. If you picked up that jagged rock and shine it, you will see that it's more beautiful that the rainbow which is only temporary after a rain.

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