Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Can I Lend You An Ear?

     My friend was telling me the other day how I seem to be a great listener, always listening to their problems and issues. When I stop to think about it, I had to agree with her. My friends seem to find me every time that they have any issues, or problems, or if they just wanted someone to listen to them.
     But most of the issues that I listen to seem to be about love and relationship. I'm no expert in that matter, but sometimes I like to think that I'm the person that they can turn to for advice, or just to listen to them.
      One of my friend is in love with another friend, so he'd almost everyday tell my updates of his status with her. Whenever I can, I give him tips and pointers (though I doubt he needs any, he very well can do it on his own) , and also console him when he feels down. I try to help the best I can, but I can't make the girl fall in love with him if she doesn't want to.
     Another friend of mine is in a complicated relationship which I'd rather not talk about and complicate my explanation any further. And sometimes I'd lend my ears to her when she wants to talk about her love life. I don't have advises for her, but I'm happy that she trusts me to tell me her problems.
     And yet another friend of mine, confides in me his relationship too. He tells me that he feels like I'm the only big sister he has that he can talk to.
     I'm actually flattered that people see me as the person that they can talk to, but will there be someone for me to talk to when I have love issues? I'm currently not in a relationship, nor in love with anyone. What I have are just meaningless crushes, but if I do end up in another relationship, will there be another person like me whom I can talk to, who will give me all their attention and help me get through the hard times?

1 comment:

  1. u are a numero uno listener!!!!
    thank u!!
    this word hardly comes out.. ;)
