Saturday, March 5, 2011


          I watched as people pass by me in blurry shadows. They seemed to be moving at a fast pace, I can't catch up. I see no faces, no features, only emptiness. I stand still, feeling the numbness envelope me. No one seemed to realize me standing there. I felt invisible, like I didn't existed.
         I try to take a step forward, but it feels as if my feet was made of lead and glued to the ground. I can't move forward, I can't even move back, it's impossible!

          Thunder rumbled and the first drops of rain falls on my head. I looked up to the sky to see the heavens open up to rain down on me. Everyone around me runs for cover and soon I was the only one left standing in the poring rain. The coldness bites through my skin, as I hug my body tight. There was nowhere I could run for cover. I felt the emptiness in me as I shivered against the cold wind and pelting rain.


Why do I feel so alone in this world even though I am surrounded by people?
          I have friends and family but when I come home, and sit in my room I feel like I'm the only one left in this world.
         And sometimes I even feel alone when I'm out there with people. What is missing?

          Some say that when you have unaccomplished dreams then you'd feel like there's something missing in your life. I do have dreams that I haven't reached yet, so could that be the reason for my emptiness?
     Others say that you need to be in love or in a relationship so as to fill that hole in your heart. But, I was in love once, and even at that time, I still felt that something was missing - a part of me that's not complete. So it can't be that I'm missing love, after all I do have the love of my family and friends.

Do I have to reach my dreams to fill up the emptiness or do i search my soul for the answers?

       Only I hold the key for the answers that my heart asks. If I can only unlock the answers then I don't have to go around looking for the answers. Maybe one day the sun will shine ahead and give me the enlightenment that I need.
        Maybe then I might rid myself of this emptiness inside and find a more fulfilling life for me.

1 comment:

  1. the answer is there within you..
    and ur not alone in this thing gal,
    me understand that ecxact feeling!
    days where you feel u were cut out from everyone..
    and the very days where u don't feel love but yearn for it,
    where you weep within your heart.
    where u wish it was embraced warmly,
    instead feeling pain that caused by coldness.
    where nobody can console you,
    except yourself.

    where soon you'll learn in life nothing is more important than the love you give yourself,
    and the kindness you shower your heart,
    look into yourself,
    ask your heart...
    it will lead you to fulfillment.

    and then there's another option where you can drop by to any of your friends house if u need a hug ;) hehe.. and pour out as much as u want!
