Tuesday, February 15, 2011


      It's so hard to trust. I've run out of people whom I can really trust. You think you can trust someone and they turned out to be faking to you all along.
      I don't mean anyone in particular. I meant almost everyone that I've come to known. They somehow manage to betray the trust, friendship and loyalty I may have had on them. I daresay that I am a loyal friend and that you can lay your trust in me if you are my friend. I do not back-stab a friend, nor will I talk about a friend behind their back. My friends can count on me to have their back.
      But why can't I find someone who'd back me up in a fight or be there for me when others are against?
      I thought I can trust some people whom I knew recently, but I realized that no one cares about anyone anymore. Everyone's out for their own gain, their own selves. Of course I've known friends who are loyal and trustworthy ( you know who you are ).
     And those who lost my trust, you may not know that I know, but you know in your hearts that you are not a true friend. Think about it and consider whether we should go on or not.

1 comment:

  1. you can always call 05-5470661 to talk or the other number.. which i could not disclose without the owners permission! lol!! :P
    A BIG HUG FOR YA! ;) <3
