Thursday, October 22, 2009

drivers with attitude

I was just driving back from my hometown after the festive season, and I can’t help to observe my fellow drivers as I cruise along the highway. Well, for one thing, they seem to have the need for speed. What’s the rush? It’s not like their destination is going to disappear if they didn’t reach it within the stipulated time. Or that if they didn’t hurry along at that accelerated pace, then it would be too dark and their car can’t find their way back home. Enlightened me please, what is the signboard of speed limits for? Just to beautify our landscape, or to serve as a reminder?

And another thing that bothers me (I’d bring it up here than later below, because it is the biggest pet peeve for me concerning drivers) is, does all drivers think that their windows can’t be seen through by others?

I’ve drove by drivers busy picking their noses ( Yeah, you read right, picking their noses ) as if the world was going to end. Believe me, worlds could end when you see ‘em doing that. Why do they even do that, when they don’t do it in public. Isn’t being in your car also somewhat public. Yeah, no ones in the car with you, but, Hello!, what about those driving beside you. Don’t we have eyes? Don’t our eyes need something better to look at? Imagine stuck in a traffic that’s only moving a nanometer one second, and all you see around you are bored faces, and wait!, a guy picking his nose. What’s up with that? Thank god, when I’m driving home during festive seasons I don’t get to see that often.

What I do see is people who love to cut other cars, because, apparently the guy in front of him is going too slow, and he’s so impatient he drives faster than that guy, all the while saying in his mind, This is how the professionals drive!

What’s the point exactly? Once again I ask, what’s the rush? What about, Safety first?


I guess, all I can do is complain and watch. No one can talk to this people. They themselves have to educate themselves. As a good citizen, I will play my part by abiding to the rules, and definitely not doing anything disgusting like picking my nose, or, I don’t know, chewing my toe - nails, perhaps, while driving my car. Who knows who’s watching, right?

Clandestine dinteraz

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