Sunday, August 26, 2007


i look out the window and ask myself,
what am i doing indoors on a fine day like this?
the sun is shining like dances of little elves,
and the wind is blowing tenderly like a lover's kiss.

i step outside into the moist earth,
feel the wind caressing my cheeks,
it's as if the day had just gave birth,
a brand new day at half-past six.

the trees swayed like choir groups,
and the flowers danced like pixies,
the ants marched on like army troops,
and the birds sang in melodies.

clouds, soft as cotton, rolled lazily in the sky,
like candy-floss in a summer's day,
an eagle soared majestically up high,
and swallows flew in flocks in May.

little fishes peeked meekly from the lake water,
as frogs croaked and called the rain,
the ducks didn't mind getting wetter,
as they dipped their heads in the pond made by rain.

so beautiful i see the wonders of nature,
where little things make up the scene,
and complements the beauty of it all,
if we only took the time to notice it.

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